I chatted to Scott Batiste from Oakland's Saviours before they came to ATP to hang out and watch Sleep's mind-blowing reformation gigs. Scott's a cool dude and the band really fucking shred now...
And after Roadburn you're popping to All Tomorrow’s Party’s in Minehead just to see Sleep’s reformation gigs right?
Basically, the Roadburn people were trying to get us a whole tour. They wanted to fly us out but they couldn’t afford to do it just for the one show. So I talk to all these people, but I don’t know, it’s hard to get people to correspond with me. So I was like ‘Fuck it. I’m just going to do this myself.’ So I booked the whole tour. And I saw Matt Pike one day at a practice and he was like ‘Dude, Sleep’s playing!’ and I said ‘Yeah, I know, it’s all over the Internet. People are talking about it.’ And so I booked the tour so it ends in London the day before. Matt was like ‘You’ve got be there so we can get blasted and shit.’ So we’re going to go to it and barge that shit, wreak havoc. Sleep seem really cool and excited.
I also spoke to Scott in early 2008 for a doom website...
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